As we transition many of our guests to “remote guests” and consider the extremely varied economic challenges everyone is facing, we were very apprehensive about creating a registry. Many of our closest friends are in the service and arts industries, both of which experience seismic changes. Given the amount of uncertainty, asking for a bronze latte maker or a set of artisanal yoga mats seemed a little out of sync.
That said, we were truly humbled by the insistence of our friends and family to get us gifts. It is a testament to how lucky we are to be surrounded by such a loving group of people. If you are looking for our registry, you can find it right here.
If you are not in a position to buy a gift right now, that’s fine. Life is crazy right now and no one should feel pressure to buy a free-range toaster or brushed-steel popcorn machine. You know what we would really appreciate over an item? if you wrote us a letter in the form of signing our guest book by sending us an email to